Personal branding is what comes next. Or not?
If you think of yourself as a brand, and anybody with a goal should do it, you got to the point when you can define who you are as a personal brand: a professional writer, an entrepreneur, a candidate for a certain job, and so on. In today’s world, it is not uncommon for people to view themselves as brands and define who they are based on their professional aspirations. Once you have done this self-reflection process, the fun part begins: defining your personal brand!
The second part is about how to reach your goal. It’s about planning. It’s about understanding that online personal marketing is a process.
The beginning:
Build your website, create your social media profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter… “Yeah, I know this!”
I’m sure you do. But did you actually do it?
Have you created a website that is the center of your online presence?
Is it hosted on a domain with your name?
The middle:
Do you control, update and polish your Facebook profile and page, your LinkedIn profile?
Do you outsource the management of your digital persona or did you learn how to do it yourself?
Is the content of your blog liked and shared by your readers?
Do you continuously build your email list?
The end:
Are you aware that all the others are doing it too, and only those that stand out are chosen?