Stand at the edge of your known world, look to the horizon, and take the first bold step into unexplored territory—your words deserve to be discovered by those waiting beyond the next frontier.
Stand at the edge of your known world, look to the horizon, and take the first bold step into unexplored territory—your words deserve to be discovered by those waiting beyond the next frontier.
Next time you stumble upon a line—whether in your own writing or someone else’s—that makes you think, I wish I’d said that, pause and analyze it. Discover what makes it shine, then experiment with weaving that magic into your own characters. Who knows which unexpected phrase will revolutionize your next scene?
This week, redefine how you measure success in your writing life. Pick one non-traditional metric—maybe improved dialogue or deeper connection with readers—and track your progress over the next month. Notice how this shift in perspective changes both your writing process and your sense of accomplishment. What will you measure differently today?
Choose one step—whether it’s clarifying your core values or seeking supportive allies—to help you stand out without losing yourself. How will you find the balance between “you” and “them”?
hen we talk about “brewing your writing with purpose,” we’re exploring the concept of tying a bigger mission or social cause into your creative output. It might be as subtle as weaving themes of environmental stewardship into a novel set in a forest, or as direct as donating a portion of your book proceeds to a literacy program.
It’s easy to believe your words won’t matter—especially with so many voices shouting for attention. But here’s the truth: Your writing can make a difference, even if it’s one reader at a time. When you write with authenticity and purpose, you create ripples. Maybe you...
If you’re not sure where to start, pick a specific element of craft to level up. Maybe you’ll focus on creating more vivid sensory details, or building tension more effectively. Then, measure your progress by reviewing your older pieces. Can you see evidence of improvement? Celebrate those mini-victories, and then set a new goal.
This book is a genuine face to face with Guy, sitting on the beach, listening to the waves and his voice telling his life story as is. No filter, no excuses, no holding back.