There are a few writers’ conventions where I go every year. A good learning experience and networking. Most times is hard to get the writers talking and interacting with you. Especially when you want to talk with as many professional writers as you can about how they write and what do they need to get better and efficient at their work. Asengana was born of the idea that the writing process needs more than just creativity and then modeled based upon the conclusions of many conversations combined with a lot of hard work needed to convince writers to open up about their success.
Note: Beginner writer = unpublished. Writer = published (self-published or small publishing house). Famous writer = makes a (good) living from writing.
Every time I run into the same famous writer and my first thought is: “What is she doing here?”
The second thought: “Of course she’s here.”
She talks with everybody and listens to anyone with a question. She is reading self-published books and will recognize the writer. A praise is given with an open heart. She even remembers my name, a simple reader asking for an autograph two years ago.
Part of being famous for the right reasons is giving back. While the other writers are still ensnared in their own ego, she gains a new reader with every smile, a good word or praise. She never gave up on her approach of charming readers one at a time. This is essential.