Hey writers,
First of all, stay home and take care of yourselves. We’re doing the same and, for now, our work on the Asengana platform is on schedule.
We started working on the marketplace and digital marketing for writer platforms. We’re interested to know some challenges you face once your book is published or self-published. In both cases most marketing work falls on the writer and we’d like to know what doesn’t work and you would need help with. As always, the Concierge Service Desk is open 24h for your questions or suggestions.
Project Map
Every time you design something and you spend too much time in the system, you forget to explain or show certain things because in your mind they’re clear. That is why we work in improving the user experience every month. The Project Map is a step in this direction. We structured the different functionalities of the platform according to phases of a project.
Initial idea/premise and research - PROJECT DEFINITION AND PLANNING
Story Structure, Characters and Location files, World Building elements - PROJECT EXECUTION
Kanban Board/Analytics - PROJECT CLOSING (FINAL DRAFT)
Manuscript Export

Manuscript Font Size
While we’re still working on improving the editor for the next modules we work on: eBook various formats export, collaborative writing and so on, we make incremental improvements to the current Manuscript version. You’ll notice on the Manuscript page in the top left a new icon for typography. It will allow to change the font size for the entire manuscript as needed. Some of you have requested this global resizing because you work on various devices or you use a font size for when you write and a different one for when you read your work.

This is it for April 2020. Thank you. Remember to share the news of the platform with your writer friends and use our Concierge Service Desk for comments and feedback.