There are writers that thrived during this period of quarantine. They found the energy and inspiration to write more and focus better. I’m not one of them. This is not me complaining. Merely stating facts.
I miss people. From friends and acquaintances to the entire ecosystem of kids’ education and care that allowed us to do something else besides work and taking care of our children. While I’m grateful for the extra time I spend with my family, I also watch the days go by without making progress on my writing.
With the quarantine came more sleeping. I have to confess that I sleep 6-7 hours a night. Maybe is time to go back to 4 hours again. There are so many hours you can squeeze in a day and sleep is a waste of time. Daydreaming and writing would replace it just fine.
Writing Platform Updates
New writing editor – Froala
The first editor we used for the platform it was simple and functional. We had to decide between developing functionalities for it or use a different one. It was a decision based not only on cost but also based on the wonderful work done by the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor team.
It’s faster and will allow us to build new functionalities on top of it. The most important function is the distraction free writing feature. It’s something we find very useful. After research and plotting, you get to the point where there is only you and the blank screen – the moment when you just write.

2. Front-end framework update
We have updated the entire front-end framework to make it responsive for high resolutions. One of the major improvements is to our digital corkboard – Manuscript Structure. This allows o show 6-8 scenes on one row, making the more of the board content visible on one screen.

This is it for November and December 2020. Remember to share the news of the platform with your writer friends and use our Concierge Service Desk for comments and feedback.
Thank you,