Our first Asengana giveaway – 1940 Corona Flat Top typewriter – is over. We are contacting now the winner and will post updates once is confirmed.
Our first Asengana giveaway – 1940 Corona Flat Top typewriter – is over. We are contacting now the winner and will post updates once is confirmed.
Prenez la machine à écrire Corona Flat Top des années 1940 – ce n’est pas seulement une relique, mais un symbole de l’âge d’or de la narration.
Claude vs. ChatGPT. Every feedback you can get it will help you in your writing journey. The “AI” will not write in your place, but it will definitely help along the way.
L’écriture tous les jours est un outil puissant qui peut aider les écrivains à atteindre leurs objectifs. Que vous soyez un écrivain en devenir ou un auteur établi, faire de l’écriture une habitude quotidienne est une étape essentielle pour devenir un écrivain réussi et productif. Alors, consacrez un peu de temps chaque jour à écrire et ressentez les bénéfices par vous-même.
Lorsque vous commencez à écrire votre roman, il peut être utile de rassembler toutes vos notes et vos recherches en un seul endroit. En utilisant une approche wiki de construction de monde pour votre recherche de livre, vous pouvez facilement garder une trace de tous les différents aspects du monde que vous créez. Lorsque vous ajoutez de nouvelles informations, il vous suffit de les ajouter à la page appropriée de votre wiki. Cela vous aidera à maintenir la cohérence de la construction de votre monde et à vous y référer facilement pendant que vous écrivez. De plus, en mettant vos recherches à la disposition des autres, vous pouvez même obtenir des commentaires utiles qui peuvent améliorer votre histoire. Alors pourquoi ne pas essayer ? Vous pourriez être surpris de l’utilité d’un module de notes de recherche sur la construction du monde.
Il y a de nombreux facteurs à prendre en compte pour choisir le meilleur logiciel de rédaction de romans pour les auteurs et comment le module de manuscrit Asengana peut être un meilleur outil d’écriture qu’un simple traitement de texte.
Writing Reminder – Our proposed solution was simple to implement for us and accessible by any writer (not only the members of the Asengana Community). Preferences were for daily, weekly, or monthly. Personally, I prefer daily.
Let’s assume you have quite a few short stories and novels that you didn’t self-publish yet. With a little love and 30 days of Asengana free access, you could give new life and strengthen your writer online presence.
No, this is not an article about why you should be using Asengana. This is an article about the fact that it makes sense to learn, work, and fill in all the missing things in your writing as long as you’re happy when you write.
Do you have a hard time sticking with writing? Check out these great tips to help you create a consistent writing practice.
If you practice, you’ll see improvement. If you don’t practice, you won’t. It’s that simple. Saying “I can’t do it” is self-defeating and does nothing for you. Sometimes it’s difficult to see the improvement you’ve made in your writing. But trust me, your readers notice. That is one of the gifts of publishing – getting real feedback about your progress from your readers.
The constructive feedback kept coming. Our Concierge – Jira Service Desk – proves to be a very easy to use and efficient communication tool. It’s a pleasure to answer back to writers and tell them “Hey, we made last night the change you suggested. Please check and let us know if it’s what you needed. Also, thank you because we are sure the other writers will benefit from it too.”
And then comes the other type of feedback revolving around the next two ideas…
Six months and 200,000 words later, yes, you read correctly: 200k, I was looking at the screen wondering about the meaning of time and words.
This article is not for fragile egos. Words can hurt.
If in doubt and a double-espresso will brighten your day, keep reading.
If you’re one of us, a thick-skin writer who takes work seriously, this article is for your amusement.
Reading your book competes not only with other books but with all other activities I do in a day. It competes for a precious resource: my time. Even offering me a free book it’s not enough. I know it’s not what you expect to hear. After all, it’s your mind’s baby in which you poured hours of work, your soul on paper.
The writer in me cringes to write this. After all, what makes a good book should be the storytelling skills of the wordsmith.
Be smart. It’s not sexy to start small, but it’s the best place to start.
Asengana was born of the idea that the writing process needs more than just creativity and then modeled based upon the conclusions of many conversations combined with a lot of hard work needed to convince writers to open up about their success.
You’ll notice a lot of opinions about how good or bad a famous writer is. They are visible, known and easy to attack. The professional writers also don’t give a…
I delete 70% of the blog articles I write at a second reading. I called it Words Quality Assurance.
Until we launch the platform in October and you’ll have a full-featured project management and writing, maybe this cheat sheet will help you write your short stories faster.
Keep doing what works. Remove from your to-do list what doesn’t. Analyze and measure again.