The good news is that we’re growing and our writers are enjoing writing with us. This is feedback we received through our Concierge – Service Desk:
“Just want to say that the Asengana writing platform is 1st class. I’ve tried many writing apps and software, but this one is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I think Asengana is brilliant and you are providing a fantastic service.”
When you decide to choose a book writing software, you don’t choose just a tool, you choose a business partner. And this business partner needs to provide you with three things:
- Useful writing tools at a decent price. If you want to go from idea to a publishable ePub in one place, we’re your partner.
- Excellent Customer Service – Our initial assumption that we will need to focus our time and effort in being very responsive to our writers’ questions proves to be correct.
- The guarantee of a long-term partnership and of growth. We’re an independent business and we plan to be with you for a long time.
This month updates are built based on feedback from our writers and our backlog list.
1. Onboarding page
While every page has a personalized tutorial and Knowledge Base in Concierge – Service Desk is comprehensive, we didn’t answer new members’ questions they have at First-Time login.
We’ve created an Onboarding page which appears at login and contains step-by-step instructions for the entire writing platform.

2. Editor updates
We’ve included the option to add hyperlink into your text at Research Notes and other modules.
Also, we’re working towards creating a more comprehensive solution where you can also add images and other media, but we’re still testing and searching for an optimum one.

3. User interface improvements
- Main menu was changed to have, next to the Onboarding page, a My Projects page that makes it easier to navigate to your projects.
- Front-end design for in Project Menu was improved in order to increase the visibility between Level 1 and 2.
- The tooltips overlay component was changed with a text placeholder, which makes easier to read for every new project.
This is it for May 2021. Remember to share the news of the platform with your writer friends and use our Concierge Service Desk for comments and feedback.
Happy writing!