There are many factors to consider when choosing the best novel writing software for authors and how the Asengana manuscript module can be a better writing tool than a simple word processor.
There are many factors to consider when choosing the best novel writing software for authors and how the Asengana manuscript module can be a better writing tool than a simple word processor.
One of the key performance indicators for the improvement of a user interaction is very simple: fewer clicks or fewer pages than before. This is what we did with the current update: create a one-page for editing scenes and chapter details and a simpler more intuitive Manuscript Menu for every book/project.
Let’s start with DABL – Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live. This approach to creating a Book as a Product is the way we structured the Asengana writing platform, but you can also use it with or with no writing software.
Writing Reminder – Our proposed solution was simple to implement for us and accessible by any writer (not only the members of the Asengana Community). Preferences were for daily, weekly, or monthly. Personally, I prefer daily.
Starting with this January 2022, we all roll into production the changes that we’re making based on our research. The first one is a new release for the Manuscript module – 2.0. New navigation and a new delivery approach for writing books will follow as well as more UI (User Interface) improvements.
These templates will help keep your project organized by setting deadlines and managing different tasks in one place. Give Asengana’s free story templates a try!
While the dream settings for writing are a quiet, temperature controlled, wall to wall book shelves personal workspace, inspiration comes anywhere.
The French version of the platform is live. This is an important step in the direction we want to go. While there are features we can add to the platform, we got to the moment when the features necessary to write your book are in place.
When you decide to choose a book writing software, you don’t choose just a tool, you choose a business partner. And this business partner needs to provide you with three things:
If you are thinking of writing a book, but don’t know where to start or how to organize your thoughts, Asengana’s Story Templates are a great way to get started.
The templates come in three different formats: Novel, Novella, and Short Story – so you can choose the one that best suits your needs! The template will provide an outline for each scene with suggested plot points such as “Inciting Incident” or “Climax” which makes it easy if this is somehow new territory in creating story structure. You can create your project from scratch by entering content into each scene. With these templates, it’s easy to set up your planned Start Date and Finish Date so that you stay on track with your goals!
Research Notes – You can have the main Notes as world building components – Geography, People, Culture, Economy and others – while detailing each one of them. We also improved on the way the editor is cleaning the content you copy from a website as research. In this one, we used a text from Wikipedia. The images (also ads on the webpage) are automatically removed, leaving the content you need.
Distraction Free Writing and the fine line between being detailed oriented when you create a character profile and getting swallowed by the quick sand of never ending nitpicking.
Writer’s block is the writer’s most utilized tool of procrastination. Some scream from the rooftops, others just comfort themselves in the solitude of their morning coffee ritual. Writer’s block is real and a tag we stick to many things that aren’t it.
New writing editor – Froala. The first editor we used for the platform it was simple and functional. We had to decide between developing functionalities for it or use a different one. It was a decision based not only on cost but also based on the wonderful work done by the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor team.
What if it’s actually a need for connecting with other writers? I’m certain that the writer asking knows she can find the answer online, but it’s more about connecting with your own community, a conversation opener.
Let’s assume you have quite a few short stories and novels that you didn’t self-publish yet. With a little love and 30 days of Asengana free access, you could give new life and strengthen your writer online presence.
As most science fiction writers at the beginning of my journey, I’ve heard of and submitted my stories to L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest. While I got an Honorable Mention for one of my short stories and excellent advice about writing, the famous Workshop was out of my grasp until now. It’s online, and it’s free.
This is the big one. There are tools paid or free that can help you create an eBook. The difference is the integration with the rest of the tools you work with. Once you got to the final draft, you can export your book to ePub with one click. You can upload it to any online store that sells eBooks after that.
We start a new part of our blog – Learning Resources for Writers with one of our favorite writers: Brandon Sanderson. These videos are free on YouTube. They were filmed and provided by Camera Panda.
No, this is not an article about why you should be using Asengana. This is an article about the fact that it makes sense to learn, work, and fill in all the missing things in your writing as long as you’re happy when you write.
I help writers to finish their first books, without losing motivation and falling off track.
I was siting in a Zoom video-call with a client holding my 10 months old daughter in my arms and I had a moment. A “this is it” moment. Our lives are changed for good. It will get better, but it will not get back to anything like before.