A billion dollars business starts with 100 hardcore clients. A writer’s career starts with 100 enchanted readers.
A billion dollars business starts with 100 hardcore clients. A writer’s career starts with 100 enchanted readers.
One of the first question I receive when I talk with business people about project management tools for writers and about all the money and work hours that go into building Asengana is: “What’s your break-even point?”
I applied the same answer for the process of writing, publishing, and selling a book. It will be a back-of-the-envelope type calculation, but I will provide you with the document to download and add as many variables as you need.
How much do you think an acquaintance or even a friend will risk paying for a book that might be good or not, just because they know you?
Is it possible that a reader might risk a small amount of money for an unknown book?
Is it also possible a person will pay more than your price after reading the book if liked?
How about an online shop from where you can download a book for free and you can pay the price or not after you read it?
Reading a book is reading a book, no matter the support on which is written. If I have to make a choice about what is important for me, I will not ponder about what eReader to use. The only thing that matter is the act of reading.