Until we launch the platform in October and you’ll have a full-featured project management and writing, maybe this cheat sheet will help you write your short stories faster.
Until we launch the platform in October and you’ll have a full-featured project management and writing, maybe this cheat sheet will help you write your short stories faster.
Keep doing what works. Remove from your to-do list what doesn’t. Analyze and measure again.
Do the opposite. Buy the book. Read the book. Realize that is better than yours; better written, with a better story architecture. Let the pain and the humiliation flood you mind, crush your thoughts of greatness. Then swim to the surface of the ocean of sorrow you’re in and start writing your next book.
Come morning I will wake up early and write. There’s a story to tell angry or not.
There is no such thing as writing a bestseller. A bestseller is not a book you write. It’s product.
That’s right. You can write a good Final Draft. That’s it. A bestseller is a product sold in big numbers. A product resulting from the collective work of a writer, a literary agent, a cover designer, an editor, a marketing team, an online store or a bookshop, and many more.
Congrats! You are so well hidden that even Google can’t find you.
The other 1% are really facing writer’s block and is an excruciating experience. It’s like your hand are tied, your brain is frozen, and your soul is engulfed in darkness. The more it hurts, the more it pulls you in.
Why do you “meh!” when a fellow writer advises you to plot your story after you “cried wolf”- you just complained to everybody about your huge writer’s block.
You forgot somebody while moving forward with your writing career. Go back.
Do you identify yourself with this story? Are you the chased hunter? Or are you part of the other 99%?
A billion dollars business starts with 100 hardcore clients. A writer’s career starts with 100 enchanted readers.
Let the lemming’ gene direct your day-to-day life or not. If you decide to be a writer, start working hard and find your own voice.
One week bestsellers have years of work to support them. Not only in honing your writing skills, but in making yourself known as a person who is worth reading. It’s the snowball effect that you should be focused on.
Think about it while you write and strive to create an exceptional read, to offer a life changing experience.
Literary genre is used by bookstores to separate books into different sections. It’s also a matter of life and death for many readers/writers to assign a genre or not to the book of another writer.
You’re a writer. An artist. You use words to enhance people’s emotions and teleport them in the imaginary universe you’re building. Maybe your mind will work better if your body follows.
Before putting all your hopes into the standard publishing industry and spend years discovering the romantic side of rejection letters here is some tough love you should deal with:
The best time to write was before you opened your browser, visited this website, and read this article.
How much will you ask for it? Is it a book as an entity priceless?
The copy/paste action in a writer’s group is a waste of time and energy you will never get back. Total waste. Mass marketing like this is expensive even if you don’t realize now.
Why do you write? Why do you breathe? Why do you wake up in the morning? What’s in it for you?
There goes out the window the general definition for good advice. I care not if is critique or feedback, or just mean and cynical advice. If it motivates me to keep doing what I do is good enough for me.