Morning thoughts:
We. writers, have more inner demons than our fellow humans. We carry not only our burden, but also that of each one of our characters. Those well defined humans or non-humans as well as just shadows waiting for form defined by words, taking over our minds and hearts day and night.
In our Concierge Service Desk we get questions about subscriptions or bugs discovered that we tried to fix as soon as possible. But we also get thoughts, doubts, worries. There are always the self-questioning born from fears and doubts:
What if nobody will read my books? What if I’ll never finish? I don’t have time to write. Why do I need a writing software?
For some questions we have answers. For some we can just listen because the answers are actually in the mind of the writer asking those questions. Sometimes the question is not relevant, the problem was. A writer was doubting herself as well as using it as an excuse to procrastinate. This is part of the answer:
“We built a powerful writing software so you can finish your book. Plan and structure well. Write every day. Other authors may be more talented than you are, but they will never outwork you if you don’t let them. That’s the one thing you get to control.”
The French version of the platform is live. This is an important step in the direction we want to go. While there are features we can add to the platform, we got to the moment when the features necessary to write your book are in place.
1. French version of the platform and the writing editor.
We’re aware our translation is not perfect and we welcome feedback, but it’s live. Yu can plan, write and publish your book in ePub format in French. More languages to come.
The language switcher is a global setting accessible from the Onboarding page as well as from the My Profile.

2. Date format.
We got this request from one of our members and we add it as global setting on the my Profile page. See above.
3. Export to Word and PDF.
The export in Word and PDF format has now the same options as the ePub export allowing to show / hide the number or title for chapters and scenes.
4. Under the hood
We’re always optimizing and improving the current functionalities. One of them is related to the Concierge Service Desk which can be accessed now without creating an account first directly from the platform.

This is it for August 2021. Remember to share the news of the platform with your writer friends and use our Concierge Service Desk for comments and feedback.
Thank you,