How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

There is no such thing as writing a bestseller. A bestseller is not a book you write. It’s product.
That’s right. You can write a good Final Draft. That’s it. A bestseller is a product sold in big numbers. A product resulting from the collective work of a writer, a literary agent, a cover designer, an editor, a marketing team, an online store or a bookshop, and many more.

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Good advice

Good advice

There goes out the window the general definition for good advice. I care not if is critique or feedback, or just mean and cynical advice. If it motivates me to keep doing what I do is good enough for me.

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What it takes to become a writer?

What it takes to become a writer?

Unyielding work ethic
Building a start-up means you have to decide what you will do and also what you won’t. Believe in your dream, work day and night and never compromise. It sounds difficult because it is. I can vouch for this with every night when I wake up searching my notepad under the bed to write an idea.
There isn’t any writer consumed by the drive to write who doesn’t understand what I wrote above.

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