How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

There is no such thing as writing a bestseller. A bestseller is not a book you write. It’s product.
That’s right. You can write a good Final Draft. That’s it. A bestseller is a product sold in big numbers. A product resulting from the collective work of a writer, a literary agent, a cover designer, an editor, a marketing team, an online store or a bookshop, and many more.

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The break-even point for book sales and the professional writer’s journey

The break-even point for book sales and the professional writer’s journey

One of the first question I receive when I talk with business people about project management tools for writers and about all the money and work hours that go into building Asengana is: “What’s your break-even point?”

I applied the same answer for the process of writing, publishing, and selling a book. It will be a back-of-the-envelope type calculation, but I will provide you with the document to download and add as many variables as you need.

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