Using research notes as a world building process for your novel

Using research notes as a world building process for your novel

As you begin to write your novel, it can be helpful to have all of your notes and research gathered in one place. By using a world-building wiki approach for your book research, you can easily keep track of all the different aspects of the world you are creating. As you add new information, you can simply add it to the appropriate page on your wiki. This will help you to keep your world building consistent and easy to reference as you write. Plus, by making your research available to others, you may even get some helpful feedback that can improve your story. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how helpful a world-building Research Notes module can be.

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It’s called writing skills for a reason

It’s called writing skills for a reason

If you practice, you’ll see improvement. If you don’t practice, you won’t. It’s that simple. Saying “I can’t do it” is self-defeating and does nothing for you. Sometimes it’s difficult to see the improvement you’ve made in your writing. But trust me, your readers notice. That is one of the gifts of publishing – getting real feedback about your progress from your readers.

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Do you think writers are broke and ignorant? I don’t think so.

Do you think writers are broke and ignorant? I don’t think so.

The constructive feedback kept coming. Our Concierge – Jira Service Desk – proves to be a very easy to use and efficient communication tool. It’s a pleasure to answer back to writers and tell them “Hey, we made last night the change you suggested. Please check and let us know if it’s what you needed. Also, thank you because we are sure the other writers will benefit from it too.”
And then comes the other type of feedback revolving around the next two ideas…

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How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

How to write a bestseller? Answer: You don’t.

There is no such thing as writing a bestseller. A bestseller is not a book you write. It’s product.
That’s right. You can write a good Final Draft. That’s it. A bestseller is a product sold in big numbers. A product resulting from the collective work of a writer, a literary agent, a cover designer, an editor, a marketing team, an online store or a bookshop, and many more.

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